Getting Started With Rainwater Harvesting and Recycling

Harvesting rainwater, either for outdoor landscape use or for supplementing indoor household water needs, is an excellent way to make your home more eco-friendly. First, you must identify a few details so that the correct system can be designed and installed. Learn more by answering the questions in this guide to getting started with rainwater harvesting.
Do You Need a Backup Water Supply?
By harvesting rainwater, you can supply all or most of your water needs or use it as a supplement to a more traditional main hookup. Before starting the design phase of your system, decide how much of your water needs you want to meet with rainwater.
Where Will You Use the Rainwater?
Many people use rainwater harvesting for landscaping purposes. However, it can also be used in several interior applications. For example, you can use rainwater for flushing toilets, laundry, and general washing. However, using it for cooking or drinking requires an advanced filtration system.
How Many People Will Use the Water?
Most people use between 80 and 100 gallons of water per day. The number of people in your household and how you plan to use the harvested rainwater will determine the amount of water storage you need.
How Big Is Your Collection Area?
A square foot of roof can collect as much as 0.6 gallons of water per inch of rain. Realistically, you can estimate collecting about 75 percent of that as usable water. Your builder will use weather data and your roof size to determine the size system you need.
What Are Local Regualtions?
This is a critical piece of information when designing a rainwater harvesting system. You must comply with all local and state water use and disposal regulations. Using a builder with experience in sustainable building techniques can minimize any complications on this front.
Harvesting rainwater is an economical way to make your house more eco-friendly. Consider how you plan to use the water, harvesting area, and household size when designing your system.